Dear Customer,

We are privileged to have you along with your family as one of our Esteemed Confident Family Member.

We have Started a new Customer Interaction service for our Post-Sale Customers. This service would be a “Single Point Contact” for all your Product / Project related queries. Your query could be on Sales, Commercial, Technical or Registration related. You could send your query to [email protected] and the team “Care” would talk to the appropriate “Team Leader” in Confident and get back to you with answers to your query within 72hrs from receiving your E Mail. Even if you are in touch with individual team leaders, do route all queries to the “Care” so that you will get a consistent response to your query.

To avail this service you must have booked / purchased a Confident Product.

Thanking You and Have a Nice Day

Best Wishes


All you need to do is send us a mail and we'll be at your service

Jiss Philomina Photo

Jiss Philomina Peter

(AGM Customer Support)

Location - Kochi

telephone+91 989 576 1796

envelope[email protected]

Roshin Saffer Customer Support Trivandrum

Roshin Saffeer

(Senior Manager Customer Support)

Location - Trivandrum

telephone+91 999 580 1014

envelope[email protected]

Shewtha Photo

Ms. Swetha Babu

(Customer Support & Home care Jr.Executive)

Location - Calicut

telephone+91 812 952 1111

envelope[email protected]

Photo of Gireesh


(Executive Commercial Department)

Location - Kottayam

telephone+91 956 786 4208

envelope[email protected]

CG Staff Image

Ramya Abilash

(Executive Customer Support)

Location - Thrissur


envelope[email protected]