Home Maintenance

Methods Of Waste Management

14 JUL 2017

Efficient methods of waste management is something that many of us do not pay any attention to. In a country like India, the amount of waste generated is on such a vast scale that even many governments find it hard to resolve. What one must understand is that waste disposal is one’s personal responsibility. Yes, the government does provide facilities like pick-up and disposal, but there are many effective methods of waste management that we citizens can follow to lessen the burden.

Here Are A Few Efficient Methods Of Waste Management That You Could Follow

Use Cloth Bags And Not Plastic Bags

This basic initiative could play a significant role in reducing the amount of plastic waste generated from your home. Cloth bags are reusable and more durable. Stock a few cloth bags and make sure that you have one in your car and two-wheeler as well. Make a dedicated effort towards this. It doesn’t require much work but can play a major role in collectively reducing the plastic waste generated from your locale.

Reduce Paper Waste

In today’s day and age, there is very little excuse if you find yourself dealing with piles and piles of paper waste. There are few simple ways to achieve this like requesting for e-bills and not paper bills, reading the latest news online to avoid dependence on your regular dailies, and making sure that you only subscribe to newsletters that you really want. You’ll see a drastic reduction in the amount of paper waste generated by incorporating such small changes to your lifestyle.

Avoid Hoarding

One of the simplest ways for efficient management of home waste is to avoid continuing with the habit of hoarding, that is if you have one. Hoarding can be defined as the inability or unwillingness to dispose of things that over time have become useless. More often than not, there is an emotional quotient attached to it. Many of us are guilty and prone to this. One quick look around your house and you’ll find numerous items that are of no use to you anymore, but somehow still manage to just sit there and gather dust. Ensure that you give away such items as soon as possible. Be charitable, share them with people who might have a use for them. A few of the items could free-up a lot of space in your home, and these include old clothes, utensils and even damaged furniture.


While the above methods of waste management are simple to achieve and can give you a great deal of peace of mind regarding efficiently managing your space and disposing of waste, there is one more aspect that you could look into. It’s called Composting. Simply put, Composting is a nature-oriented process in which organic matter gets recycled into rich soil. The process is simple. Take a large bucket and drill a few holes to ensure that air gets in. Now layer the bottom part of the bucket with soil and add your food waste and other organic materials like dried leaves and sawdust and seal the bucket. Ensure that you give the mix a good shake-up every few days to provide aeration. That’s it. Within two to three months, the compost should be ready. You could either choose to sell it or use it for your own needs.

While there are many more efficient methods of waste management, I believe that following the aspects mentioned above would be more than enough to ensure that you no longer face issues in dealing with waste. I urge you spread the message and share this post. Let’s bring in change. Hope you all enjoyed reading this post on “Efficient Methods Of Waste Management.” If you have any more suggestions and ideas on this topic, feel free to share them in the comments section below.

Author - Confident Group

As the most trusted real estate brand in the nation, we at Confident Group strive to create a positive, smooth and transparent medium for potential home buyers with anything and everything related to home purchase. We provide informative and engaging articles which cover useful details across many verticals from the real estate sector. Our 2-decade long expertise in building infrastructure projects across Kerala and abroad backed by the trust of over 10,000 customers earned us the reputation of being the best as a real estate brand in Asia. We hope that our blogs will help in translating our experience for the prospective buyers who are looking for their dream home.


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